"Love the Animals...
God has given them the basis of thought and joy untroubled...
Don't harass them...Don't deprive them of their happiness...Don't work against God's intent" -Dostoevsky
In a world where, all too often, animals are regarded as little more than resources to serve the needs and desires of human beings - their pure, unique and divine spirits remain dismissed, repressed or ignored.
In our effort to provide a safe and loving haven that reflects a heart-felt appreciation, respect and celebration of the beauty, wisdom and companionship of these wondrous creatures...Plum Loco Animal Farm was established.
While you may encounter a variety of animals to pet and feed, we are not a "petting zoo" in the traditional sense. Our mission, at Plum Loco, is to provide our animal family with a safe and loving home for the duration of their life spans.
Each has a name, personal history and unique personality. In most cases, each has been raised with its family herd. And while baby animals are naturally cute, cuddly and entertaining - they inevitably grow into adulthood.
Therefore, you may not always see baby animals at Plum Loco. You may encounter aging seniors as they live out their lives in peaceful retirement. And while most are adults, rest assured, they are all young at heart.
Here at Plum Loco, our goal is not to maximize consumer dollars, but rather to maximize the comfort and quality of life of our precious animal family as they live out their natural lives. Sound totally crazy...? Perhaps. But it is with this vision in mind that we welcome you to share a relaxing and enjoyable experience at this animal farm we call home.
We welcome you...to Plum Loco!
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